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A Journey of


PVHS Trojan Statue
Attending PVHS?

For all the important new school year information, click the link below! 

Welcome to PVHS

Pvschools dancer
From kindergarten to graduation, our programs empower students for a lifetime of success!

PVSchools offers a variety of opportunities for students that include innovative STEAM experiences, award-winning Fine Arts, championship athletics programs, and more!

Enroll today!

%22PVBeat A PVSchools Podcast%22 on white brick wall with Apple Podcast and Spotify logos
PVBeat | A PVSchools Podcast

From the heart of paradise, this is PVBeat. From highlights and achievements to important news, this podcast brings a new way to stay in tune with the district.

Listen Now

Paradise Valley High School

Welcome to

Where we engage, inspire, and nurture students through high-quality instruction, meaningful educational opportunities, and dynamic learning experiences.

Paradise Valley High School is a comprehensive public high school that offers all students a wide variety of academic and extracurricular opportunities. Our culture of P.R.I.D.E. teaches, recognizes, and reinforces positive behaviors, and it complements our genuine priority of making sure all students are safe, known, and cared for. We aim to be the school where parents want to send their children, students want to attend, and teachers want to teach.

Explore Our School

There is a journey of excellence for every learner. With opportunities as diverse as the students we serve, our school offers families the luxury of choice in their child's education.

Tour Paradise Valley High

Paradise Valley High would love to invite you and your student to learn about our programs, meet some of our staff, and see our students learning in action.

CREST Program

CREST is a renowned "school within a school," featuring three strands of specialization that challenge high-performing students.

Academic Programs

Signature programs at PVHS include Advanced Placement, AP Capstone, Career and Technical Education, and Dual Enrollment.

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