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Apply to CREST

Computer Science applications for the 2025-26 school year are open. APPLICATIONS FOR THE BIOSCIENCE AND ENGINEERING STRANDS ARE CLOSED FOR THE 2025-26 SCHOOL YEAR. 

2 Parts to the CREST Application:

  1. Complete the application form (link below). Please have the items below available and ready to upload before starting your application: 
    • Names and email addresses for your recommenders  - 2 teachers (1 math/science, 1 other (comp sci or engineering teacher falls under "other") and 1 community member (ie. coach, club advisor, music instructor)

    • 7th grade and 8th current grades - We only consider english, math, social studies, and science in the application.

  2. All CREST applicants are asked to submit a three-minute personal video. Directions and link sent to applicants by email following submission of Part 1 of the application.


Complete your application at your earliest availability. Completed submissions by the end of October are appreciated. See below for application priority deadline and priority acceptance notification.

  • November 15, 2024 - Deadline to complete 2025-26 CREST Application Materials for Priority Acceptance.

  • December 2-6, 2024 - CREST Priority Acceptance Notification Sent by Email.

  • Rolling Admission - Rolling admission will be offered following priority acceptance to qualified candidates for strands that have open availability.

  • Waitlist - Qualified candidates will be offered a waitlist position once the strand has filled. Waitlist will be closed when waitlist is full.  

Since CREST is a four-year program, we only admit incoming 9th-grade students and select 10th-grade students each year. CREST will accept up to 175 students for the 2025-26 cohort, 50 students in Bioscience and Engineering, and 75 students in Computer Science.

Ready to Apply? 

Apply for CREST 

To successfully complete your application, please follow these steps:

  1. Application: Complete the online application (link to be added). The application includes the links for the recommendation forms and the online interview. 
  2. Recommendations: When completing the application provide the emails for two teachers (one math or science) and one community member to have a recommendation form link to be sent to.
  3. Personal Video: CREST applicants will be asked to submit a three-minute personal video. Connecting via video within the application process provides unique ways for students to tell their stories.

 4. Grades:

  • PV Schools students do not need to send current grades; we will check your grades in Infinate Campus.
  • Students currently attending a school outside the Paradise Valley School District will upload 7th grade and current 8th grade grades to the application portal. We do not require transcripts, just current grades.