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Portrait of a CREST Student

Who is the CREST student? 

  • We are looking for inquisitive students who get the itch to figure something out that they don't understand. 
  • We are looking for students who have an interest in science, technology, engineering, and math.
  • We are looking for students who are problem-seekers and problem-solvers.
  • We're looking for students who are willing to take chances.
  • We are looking for students who are humble enough to ask questions and seek answers from others but confident enough to keep going when things aren't easy. 
  • We are looking for students who work well together and can lead a group and be led by others. 

As our students engage with our curriculum, work through their program strand, and solve difficult and complex problems with what they have learned in class, they will gain the skills they need to be successful in the world after CREST. 

The PVHS CREST Graduate will:

  • Be comfortable taking risks. 
  • Have the confidence to tackle difficult problems and the humility to seek out the answers from others when necessary. 
  • Have the ability to create innovative solutions to complex problems.
  • Think critically and analyze information.
  • See things from multiple perspectives and understand them in different contexts.
  • Look at the world with curiosity and wonder.
  • Work well in teams, leading when appropriate and following when necessary.
  • Be kind to all others in our world.

CREST Graduation Requirements

Two Levels:

  • Graduate with Distinction: Students are awarded the CREST graduation cord and CREST seal on diploma. Students must successfully complete the full CREST Program of Study for their strand, a 200-hr internship, and a Math and Science course at the AP level.
  • CREST Completer: Students are awarded the CREST graduation cord. Students must successfully complete the CREST Program of Study for their strand and a 200-hour internship.