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Student Life

Prepare. Respect. Initiate. Do. Excel.

At PVHS, we put PRIDE into everything we do!

P is for Prepare: on time, on task, with tools.

  • Always wear your ID.
  • Arrive at school with a fully-charged Chromebook.
  • Bring your supplies with you to school.

R is for Respect: honor people and property.

  • Throw away your trash at lunch and at school events.
  • Seek help from counseling to resolve conflicts.
  • Model Trojan PRIDE in the classroom and in activities.
  • Work hard and be nice to people!

I is for Initiate: participate in class, campus, and community.

  • Monitor your grades in Infinite Campus.
  • Advocate for yourself and ask for help when you need it.
  • Attend office hours and ask questions if needed.
  • Join the red zone by attending games and events.

D is for Do: do the work.

  • Track your assignments in a PRIDE Guide or e-planner.
  • Do the work!
  • Keep up with due dates and deadlines. Do not procrastinate.
  • Just turn it in! Late work is better than "missing" work.

E is for Excel: be your best!

  • Set your bar high and strive to be your best.
  • Challenge yourself academically.
  • Have confidence in yourself and persevere. You can do it!
  • Trojan-spire others to be their best.