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Safety and Behavior

Safety at PVHS

We live, work and play by our PRIDE motto. PRIDE is an acronym that represents the traits that we strive to represent on a daily basis through our choices, words, and actions: Prepare. Respect. Initiate. Do. Excel. The culture of our campus is built upon the foundation of PRIDE to ensure student achievement and minimize behavior problems.

Minor Behavior Problems: Teacher Managed with CPR (Conference, Parent, Refer)

  • 1st Offense: Conference with student
  • 2nd Offense: Conference with parent
  • 3rd Offense: Refer to office

Major Behavior Problems: Administrator Managed

  • Call security if necessary, x97000
  • Attendance support and interventions: Attendance Dean
  • Support, interventions, and discipline: Assistant Principals

Examples of Behavior Management

Categories of Negative Behaviors Example of Negative Behaviors This is the Positive Behavior we display at PVHS!
Disrespect (R) Undermines others, non-compliance, disruption... (minor); Continued defiance, verbal assault, major classroom disruption (major). "We are respectful of others."
Inappropriate Language (R) Low-intensity, indirect (minor); High-intensity, directed at staff or student (major). "We use respectful and positive language at school."
Bullying/Harassment: Verbal or Cyber (R) Isolated occurrence, unintentional (minor); Repeated or ongoing, purposeful (major). "We treat others with respect and kindness in person and online."
Drug or alcohol use or possession (R) Use, possession, under the influence, or providing/selling (major). “We respect ourselves and make healthy lifestyle choices.”
Attendance & Tardies (P, D) Arriving late to class (minor); Ditching class (major). “We show initiative by arriving to class on time and attending every day.”
Electronic Devices (R, I, D, E) Texting during instruction (minor); Refusal to cease use,  inappropriate use of technology (major). “We are respectful of the teaching and learning environment”
Dress Code (P, R, E) Not dressing for success (minor); Repeated dress code violations (major). “We dress for success and represent PV with Pride”

In compliance with Arizona Revised Statute 15-341 regarding victim rights, all Paradise Valley Unified School District students have the right to attend school without the fear of being harassed, intimidated or bullied.

Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying Policy - Victim Rights

Harassment, intimidation or bullying is generally defined as making someone worry, feel tormented or troubled. Forms of bullying include verbal or physical harassment; sexual, ethnic, racial or religious harassment; and hazing of other students. Harassment, intimidation or bullying of any kind will not be tolerated in district schools.

Students found guilty of harassment, intimidation or bullying are subject to disciplinary action, which may include warnings, parent communication, detention and in-school or out-of-school suspension. Students will not bother or annoy other students physically, verbally or visually; this includes language or gestures which insult, intimidate or negatively incite another person’s feelings.

Retaliation in any form for the filing of a harassment, intimidation or bullying complaint is expressly prohibited.


Bullying is defined as intimidating students or making them fearful of another student for any reason. Examples include direct bullying such as making threatening remarks; making fun of a student’s appearance or size; blocking another student’s lane of traffic; hitting or kicking; and indirect bullying such as gossip, rumors, exclusion, cyber-bullying; or inciting altercations between other students.

Kinds of Bullying:

  • Verbal or Physical Harassment: Verbal harassment includes name-calling, profanity and verbal threats of any kind. Physical harassment includes blocking another student’s lane of traffic, hitting, kicking, pushing or any unwelcome physical touching.
  • Cyber-Bullying: Cyber-bullying is bullying through email, instant messaging, chat room exchanges, Web site posts or messages or images sent to a personal digital device. Cyber-bullying, like traditional bullying, involves an imbalance of power, aggression, and a negative action that is often repeated.
  • Sexual Harassment: Sexual Harassment is the unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment may include, but is not limited to, suggestive or obscene sexting, letters, notes, invitations, derogatory comments, slurs, jokes, assault, touching, spreading rumors, impeding or blocking movement, leering gestures, or display of sexually suggestive objects, clothing, pictures or cartoons of a sexual nature. Federal and state laws make harassment illegal, whether or not it involves different-sex or same-sex situations.
  • Religious Harassment: Religious Harassment is defined as making negative comments or statements about a particular religion. These comments can be written or verbal.
  • Ethnic and Racial Harassment: Ethnic and racial harassment is defined as making fun of or negative comments about a person's ethnic or racial background. These statements can be written or verbal.
  • Hazing: Hazing is any intentional annoying or reckless act committed by a student against another student which causes mental, or physical harm or personal degradation. This includes initiation into any club or group.

What to Do

If you are being harassed, intimidated, or bullied:
Make your feelings clear; tell the person who is harassing, intimidating, or bullying you to stop. A bully may think you support the harassing, intimidating, or bullying if you do not speak up. If the harassing, intimidating, or bullying continues after telling them to stop, report the activity to the teacher, counselor, principal, or other adult. You can do this verbally or by completing a Harassing, Intimidating or Bullying Victim Rights Report Form at the school or by filing a complaint electronically through

If you see someone being harassed, intimidated, or bullied:
Never join in the harassing, intimidating, or bullying behaviors. Resist any peer pressure to take part in abusive behavior. Help the person being bullied get out of the situation safely, ask if it has happened before, and encourage them to report the harassment to the teacher, counselor, principal, or other adult.

To report an incident regarding questionable behavior, please visit the Anonymous Tips website.